Game Mechanics

The Game will be laid out in different steps until full release some game mechanics will be introduced along the way, while testing and staying in close contact with the community. First Step

NFT Character and Kart creation. A limited edition of 5000 Gen-0/Genesis Nfts will be released and sold in a fair lottery system to the public. Some Nfts will be reserved for active community contribution and building. Those NFTs can then be staked to be eligible for a racing kart. Racing Karts as well as Character NFTs will come in different rarities with different powers and abilities.

The common level is reserved for new created NFTs for the open public. They are very basic characters which can be buy for a minimum fee. Those common characters are not included in the 5000 Genesis NFTs.

Minting pre reveal vouchers is a good way to randomise chances of distributing characters.


Common: Free with a distribute of approx.

Uncommon: 0.01Eth 70%

Rare: 0.08eth 20%

Epic: 0.2eth 8%

Legendary: 0.7eth 2%

Genesis NFTs will have direct access to the mint of a racing Kart. Second Step The limited number of Lab NFTs can be minted. Labs enable players to do research on topics such as Bio-Fuel and Microbiology on Weapons and defensive Systems on powerups and tuning parts of racing karts. The Lab also will, with the right equipment, let you research topics like genetic engineering and unlock skills using CRISPR. The Lab NFT will grant a certain size of space to the player. Lab Space is needed for Bio-Reactor, Bio-Fuel Storage, Ultra freezer for DNA and Culture storage, and CRISPR station. For this reason, the space of the lab plays an essential role in the available strategies to a player to earn money playing the game. Rare Labs will come with bigger spaces and better equipped Laboratory for advance Level of modification. So, the possibility to upgrade and research in multiple ways will be more limited the smaller the lab gets.

Laboratory and Garage can be introduced later on in the game play.

Labs could be an equal to Land in other NFT projects, Labs also come in different Rarity. The Rarity mostly defines the amount of space a player has to research tech, DNA Sampling, Fuel Production and Storage.

All of the NFTs (Bio-Reactors, Bio-fuel tanks, microbial species, lab equipment’s, DNA, molecular kits, Tech Research) can be upgraded but always only according to space limitations. A common Lab would be able to accommodate the essentials to play the game (Reactor, Research, DNA) but no Storage Tank or bigger more efficient machinery would fit in, as well as some “High level Research” would be limited to be done only in Epic and Legendary Labs.

All rarities of Laboratories can be Upgraded in a Level System to include all players equally and avoid a pay to win system. The upgrade of Labs and Lab equipment will be done in in-game Token.

Different Strategies Players could utilize. An Epic Lab with a Huge storage system and focused research in unlocking knowledge about highest quality fuels would give a player the possibility to be active less frequently while being able to sell his surplus of high-quality bio-fuel over the open marketplace. Players with no interest in buying epic labs might choose to buy a couple gallons of the best fuel available without spending time and money on the research, production and the equipment needed.

Other players might choose to optimize their kart just for some special events or tournaments, by spending their tokens on boosted fuel and certain weapons or traps in the races that really matter - to win unique NFTs or the big Prize Pool.

There will always be chances for all players, entry kart or speed racer, to win a race and perform certain tasks and quests. That is an essential part of our quest to a Fair Play approach and a lot of balancing and adjusting will happen in close communication with the community. We don't ever want to make this a game where players need to spend hundreds of dollars to be able to compete.

Very active players might choose to not extend their fuel storage, because they used their own Bio-fuel on daily bases. Therefore, they might use the space instead for a DNA & Culture storage and CRISPR Station.

This brings the possibility of developing many successful and unique strategies which should add a lot of fun for players who want to dive deep into the micro-verse. Methane is the primary fuel for pulse jet karts. Each player will have access to the Bio-reactor Workshop, where one can generate their own Methane. Methane is generated by using Anaerobic microorganisms which are characterized by their ability to convert simple Carbon compounds into Methane.

CO2 + 4H2 --> CH4 + H2O

The amount of methane one can produce through the reactor depends on the rarity of the Kart/Character. Common characters will produce less fuel while legendary characters will produce more. Methanogen’s culture is necessary to fuel the Karts, this culture can be brought from in-game marketplace or winning in a tournament or a cup. In order to achieve higher Methane production and efficient combustion, one can modify different cultures. Production of Methane fuel will take time depending on which family of Archaea's culture is used.

Third stage

Getting the Game life and a playable Beta Version reserved for Genesis NFT holders will be launched. This Beta Season will give early players the opportunity to express their experience with the game and give valuable feedback to the team and developers. By doing the players with the most valuable feedback will be rewarded with special treats. This way we are planning to keep the community interested and an active part of the development of the game in early stages, till it will be passed on to the Governance of the DAO entirely. Also, this will play an important foundation to engage active players in the decision-making process as well give the team plenty of time and experience with the governing process. Since decentralized Governance is not an unproblematic topic it is essential to do deep testing and analysing the ways votes are proposed and made, the question how the voting power should be distributed and many more details.

Fourth Stage

The open Launch of the Game will take place and Garage and an advanced damage system will be introduced with that. GARAGE

Are needed for upgrading technical parts in karts as well as repair and paint jobs are available. The introduction of a damage system will create another avenue where the circulation game currency is absorbed as karts in every race will get damaged over time and lose some of their speed, shocker, dynamic ability. Damage on cars will be inflicted in heavy crashes, as well as weapons/traps/explosives.

Garage can be owned by a player to repair and upgrade their own karts, as well can a garage owner offer his services to other players. In such way a player with a well-equipped and developed workshop, can repair karts for other players as well as provide unique colors or paint jobs (partly earnable special nfts).

Garage could be divided in different rarities as well but could also be upgraded for In-game Coin to the next level. Higher levels, give faster repair speed, more efficiency and certain “Chip tuning” and fancy paint/paintjobs (patterns) are possible only after reaching a specific level.

Again, all the tech, patterns, repair, tuning can be traded over the open marketplaces.

Below you find the full list of kart customizations of Pulse Jet Kart, including Kart Bodies and their respective Decals styles, Wheels, Paint Jobs and Stickers.

Kart Bodies (Vehicles) & Decals:

This section offers up a variety of chassis types, which will grow in number as you earn more through the game. The selection features Karts from the original MicroRacers Pulsejet Kart.


When you’re burning rubber, you might want to install a set of wheels that matches your kart’s body. Or you can mix and match it’s entirely up to you! There’s a wide variety of wheels to earn, whether you’re using the skinny Six-Pipes rims or the super-chunky Trike tires, you can have a ton of options in your race prepping!

Paint Jobs:

If you’re wanting to change the color of your kart chassis to a green, or an iridescent purple, or even add a carbon fiber inlay, then you’re in luck: Choose from a selection of preset colors and spray your vehicle in a hue to match your mood, from the vivid crimson of Microuniverse to the cool psychedelic turquoise.


You can earn or buy real artwork of the team and use it to customize the kart according to you style.


Change liquid methane and gas methane tank capacity. Customize your tank size and material. General tanks are built with x grade Aluminium, you can change the build quality.

Build quality will also affect the methane present inside the tank. (e.g) ALU keeps the methane less cool as compared to copper or brass, Steel. You need a last bit of personalization to finish off your contraption, and this comes courtesy of a sticker that adorns your vehicle. Choose a number, cool icon, character face, or leave the kart sticker.

New additional kart items continue to be added to the Pit Stop as part of Grand Prix events, including international-themed items for players to show their national pride, and even more kart sets, wheels, paint jobs, decals, and stickers.

Once you're done, give your kart a spin in the menu to check it out from all angles, before taking it to the track and dominating all your rivals!

Final Stage

The Final Part of the First Season will be a Grand Prix Event with high price pools as well as the possibility to create the most rare and valuable NFT in-game Asset so far. Racing track NFTs will be available to only the best players and teams. This requires not just skill on the racing tracks but as much planning and testing of different strategies and developments.

The Racing track NFT will give the owner the opportunity to create a personal and fun racing course in collaboration with our design team and will eventually be able to distil that whole bunch made up of racing track, landscape, animation, sound and effects into one of a kind NFT. The new racing tracks will be released to be playable by others in the subsequent Season. The owner of that NFT has the possibility to open up shops, Labs, Garage or rent the Space along the track to other people to develop those facilities. Further the owner will be also able to host priced races on his tracks as well as rent the space to other players to hold public or private competitive races.

This makes the ownership of a racing track ultimately interesting because it will produce passive yield streams that are only available to very few. All that is needed is skill and the will to win!

Racing tracks are the place where big Community research facilities can be built. Those unlock access to ultimate and rare upgrades and technology traits. Racing tracks as team/community property would encourage team play and make it possible to afford highly intensive and expensive research and tech upgrades.

Social Gaming Experience with teams and sub Daos is much more entertaining and immersive in the long run. As well it offers ground for global competitiveness on the Grand Prix level.

All upgrades/building/research on racetrack level will be very costly. That is also a good way to balance Token emission and absorption.

Last updated