
The Vision behind Micro Racers is to bring the fun genre of kart racing into the Web3 and Blockchain world. Therefore, it offers multiple opportunities to earn while having a fun time racing against friends. Further the game is designed to bring information and focus understanding onto a realm within our world of which we are generally unaware in our daily lives “The Microcosmos”. We wish to quench the thirst for fantasy play and innovative creations and combinations. Coupled with learning to navigate in the universe of Microorganisms. A place full of fascinating creatures, bacteria, viruses and fungi all with specific and essential tasks to maintain life.

Introducing Micro-Verse, Bio-Fuel and Gene Editing Technology CRISPR in the blockchain gaming world hence promoting Play to Learn model and creating more awareness.

The Micro-Verse may be invisible and mysterious, but it’s also indispensable.

Microbes are essential in our world and our bodies. Microalgae in the ocean produce half of all Oxygen in our atmosphere. Fungi and bacteria convert the organic material into new raw material. Without any of them, life on earth wouldn´t be possible.

Since fossil sources for fuel and platform chemicals will become limited in the near future, it is important to develop new concepts for energy supply and production of basic reagents for chemical industry. One alternative to crude oil and fossil natural gas could be the biological conversion of CO2 or small organic molecules to methane via methanogenic archaea. This process has been known from biogas plants, but recently, new insights into the methanogenic metabolism, technical optimizations and new technology combinations were gained, which would allow moving beyond the mere conversion of biomass.

The possibilities through CRISPR are endless. On the one hand it has potential to become the most powerful technology for Gene Therapies in medicine. On the other hand, CRISPR can be used in the area of Bio-Technology for enhancing metabolism of micro-organism. For instance, microbial cell factories can be upgraded for Bio-Energy production.

Blockchain technology lies at the heart of Micro Racers. In contrast to established Games, in this Microcosmos Players will be able to own, earn, buy and sell in-game assets. Players are rewarded for playing and having fun. With a carefully designed in game economy our mission is to generate value through NFT technology for investors and players alike.

Play to Earn rewards players, on top of having plenty of fun, with MXR Token as well as unique NFTs like special skins, racing tracks, lab equipment, kart upgrades and more.

We envision Micro Racers to be a complete DApp that will utilize Web3 and blockchain technology to offer players the ability to own, earn, buy, and sell in-game assets. First the creation and distribution of Character NFTs and subsequent NFT drops.

And secondly using services needed to run the Game Servers:

  1. Authentication Servers

  2. Match-Making Servers

  3. Dedicated Server

  4. Friend List, Online Voice and Messaging Services.

  5. Managing Realtime Leaderboard Score

  6. Using Decentralize Database and Game Analytics

The Future of the Game Development will be step by step fully given to the Community over voting rights for token holders. We are also working on an in-Game marketplace with low transaction fees, to enable players to exchange, sell and buy new Characters, Karts, Equipment, special Ingredients, Upgrades and Skins from other players as well as the in-game Store. Players will be able to spend their earned MXR token as well as other supported Currencies.

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